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Old 01-22-2007, 01:08 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 205
Angry Whiiiiiiine!!! (yes, I'd like some cheese with that whine too!)

I make jewelry.

I also help people make money.

Here is an example:

You own XYZ Accessories on line store.f
XYZ Accessories is putting up a table and the DingBat Local Festival or Kumquats or something like that. This is a big event with exposure and opportunity to sell stuff.
You know me. You have purchased my products that I make and you like them.
You have a table at this hotsie totsie event.
You call me in Florida.
You tell me, "Hey, yeah I would like you and your husband to send me X necklace on your web site and Y necklace and that bracelet and this and that ring...,etc."
We send you our merchandise that you are going to sell at your event.
You sell a necklace. On our website, that particular necklace is only 25.00.
Oh.... but you made out good and sold it to YOUR customer for 60.00.
Now that X necklace is sold, you now sell Y necklace. Then later on in the evening you sell Z bracelet. You mark these items up as well and you send my husband and I what our asking prices were for each of the items you sold at your event.
You pocket the rest.
This is a very good deal that my husband and I have for other vendors.

OK. Now that I explained that.... here is what one individual MAY have done:

"Martha" at "Martha's Accessories" (fake name and company to be fair to this person) has this same deal with Kitty's Jewelry, the home business my husband and I have.

Well, the event has come and gone almost 2 weeks ago and we have not heard anything from Martha. We have not received anything from Martha. She has not written us, e-mailed us or called us at all.

Where is our money or the merchandise we sent Martha???

My husband called Martha. Her telephone is disconnected.
We could write Martha but we don't wish to sound rude if something bad happened to her. Martha is in another state. Martha has 2 children. We don't wish to cause any trouble, but we want our money and or our merchandise.

I am getting peeved. I do not know if I should remove some of the stuff on our site because it is M.I.A. I have not heard from this woman or her husband and I don't know what is going on. My husband wants to contact his lawyer but I told him to wait. This involves quite a bit of money since the jewelry I make is of real gemstones.

I do not know what to do.
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