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Old 09-17-2012, 07:02 PM   #8
Miss Absynthe
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Location: Hell, it's other people & both of them are you
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I'm curious about something, and have actually wanting to ask people here what their opinions are because I think that this is possibly the most socially aware group of people I've ever met.

Since finding myself on the submissive side of the D/s fence, I've been thinking about where I fall within the spectrum of it all. I am more weighted towards the TPE (total power exchange) Master/slave side of the scale, and for a while identified as a slave.. but I'm becoming increasingly uncomfortable with that as a label.

I believe in the reclaiming of words to empower people, and would add that it is up to the group who have been oppressed to decide what words they are going to reclaim, and how they are going to do it. As an Australian white woman, I am not reclaiming the word 'slave', and it's starting to irk me that the kink community throw this word around without any concept of the meaning behind it... the only other word that comes close to an accurate label for me is 'property', but the use of this term also holds with it SUCH problems.

I can't even really think of the question that I want to ask here, but I'm curious as to what people's thoughts might be..
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