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Old 06-15-2013, 09:21 AM   #16
FlorenceFearne's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Washington State, US
Posts: 10
Knitting is awesome. I will agree with everyone else about Stitch 'n Bitch, which contained the first few things I made. Something I tried when I wanted to be challenged was making a knitted quilt. I just made a bunch of squares out of different jewel tones and then sewed them all together. The challenging part was that I made each one a different texture. So one cable knit, one in a seed stitch, one in fan stitch, etc. It's a great way to practice some of those tough textures without committing to an entire cable knit sweater. To that end, I'd recommend 50 Fabulous Knit Stitches by Rita Weiss.

Also in my knitting books section:
Knit 2 Together, Ullman and Clark - lots of cute clothes, including bloomers
Charmed Knits, Hansel - Harry Potter knits
Knitting On Top of the World, Epstein - Knit porn. I only dream of being able to make this stuff some day.

And finally, to a.d.'s point, a lot of people who get bored knitting love to crochet. I am not one of them, because I apparently suck at counting and my crochet always turns into an amorphous blob. Predictably, my cross-stitch attempts have been like a craft Hindenburg. But if you do OK with non-linear crafts, crochet is worth a shot.
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