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Old 05-02-2005, 05:52 AM   #3
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: under the bed
Posts: 90
Hey Asuri,umm I got some news for you buddy... whether you want to believe it or not the Earth is our mother! She feeds, clothes, and shelters us. Where the fuck do you think all the materials for your "advanced technology" come from? Mars? If she wanted to, could destroy us all. It is very arrogant not to appreciate what gives you life. Your food either comes from a plant or something that eats plants. Even is the food you eat is way over-processed it still comes comes from nature and is only tampered with by man.

And as for the tsumani victums... They are poor and can't afford the warnings we can recieve. You are lucky to live where you live and have the things you have. But are you thankful for your random place on this planet? No.

Have you ever even thought about how random life is? It took alot for us to make it to the point we are at. And guess what? Nature made it happen! :shock:

I also find it amazing that you think we are above everything else. Yeah we humans are fucking spectacular!!! We poison our own food and water with our lovely man made chemicals. Not to mention it is not just our water and food...the animals also have to drink the chemicals we dump in the water. And live with our pesticides.

Our great technology will also lead to some really terrific viruses too. You want to know why? We chop down the redwoods and the rainforrests, They hold up our ozone layer. With a depleted ozone layer comes sperratic weather patterns. Sperratic weather patterns allow viruses mutate quicker. Man are we wonderful!!! Not only that the ice caps are going to melt quicker too, When they melt to a certain point, the Earth will shift on her axis and we will be dumped into a new ice age. Though it might not happen tommorow, it will happen alot faster thanks to mankind.

So, you wanna hate nature? Go ahead!!! Be an arrogant human and don't respect what nutures you.

"Humanity is a plague that will eat itself alive" ----Christian Death
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