Thread: Anarchy?
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Old 03-06-2006, 12:16 AM   #21
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 132
I may step on some toes with this one, but it's dark in here, so please forgive me...

Animals don't have a form of government and they have been doing fine for millions of years. - Jillian

This is so true Jillian, but animals similar to us, monkeys, throw poo at each other and roll around in their own feaces. They don't need governments. They don't need abstract thought either. They just need poo. And food, to ensure the poo supply won't run out.

I'm in love with the idea of Anarchism-as-the-mutual-cooperation-of-people-without-a-hierarchy-
or-authority. When I think of Anarchism, I think; John Lennon's "Imagine". No religion, no countries, no possessions. Therefore no need for war n stuff.

Such a beautiful thought. *dreams*
But unfortunately, people get in the way of this idea. They like getting as much stuff as they can and keeping it to make more stuff, and then fucking over anyone who gets in their way. Because that's what they've grown up with. That's what they've been taught to do. It doesn't matter what they learn in Sunday school because Jesus doesn't pay the bills. On top of that, people want and buy shit they don't need, that's how bad it's got.

"I personally don't need such figures to keep myself in line." - Pathogen

You sound like a very responsible person Pathogen. If you had a choice, would you pay your water bill? Electricity bill? Gas bill?
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