Thread: Legalize It....
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Old 06-21-2011, 08:44 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Renatus View Post
Actually from what I've heard recently, Amsterdam is actually making it so only locals can buy pot now. They even are cutting out their prostitution, though I cant remember to what extent. For some reason they're sick of the tourism dollars, it makes no sense.
Well sorta.

Starting next year they are trying to intoduce a lw that says you must be a member of a pot bar to buy pot there. Membership will only be open to locals with a local address.

That being said there are already lawsuits in their courts fighting this on constitutional grounds so we will see what happens there as it is still very much up in the air.

Per the red light districts, they are shutting down large chunks and implementing more restrictions there as well.

Why is all of this happening? During the last election the right-wing there played to the fears of immigrants coming in and taking over. They used Muslims and Eastern Europeans as scapegoats for all of the countries problems and promised to fix immigration if elected. They got elected and what was the first item of business? Shutting down the pot tourism industry and sex industry, as after all, they are right-wing bastards who think they are better than everyone else and are going out of their way to destroy anything they disagree with. Funny thing is, since they have been in office they haven't touched on the immigration issue as they have been too busy passing laws banning citizens from drinking, smoking, and having sex.

They were also responsible for having beer banned from pot bars and tobacco as well.

We will see how it goes next election.
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