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Old 02-14-2008, 03:41 PM   #22
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 51
Your own rights do not extend passed the reach of your arm. As soon as you begin to force your opinions or beliefs on others you are outside the realm of free speech and outside the realm of protest. You are legally entitle to protest to your heart's content. But you cannot force someone to listen if they do not want to, nor can you corner them and make avoiding you impossible. By them standing in such close proximity they are harassing people that are simply exercising their own rights.

You think people Don't get intimidated? How do you think people get mugged? Do you think that idiot with the knife *wants* to spend his life in jail? No he wants you to be intimidated into giving him what he wants. Fear is a very powerful influence.

As per my example earlier. If a 16 year old girl needs an abortion, maybe her parents are with her maybe they aren't, Do you honestly think that a crowd outside of the clinic yelling how much they hate her and she's a bad person and a sinner etc, and Brandishing gorey pictures that may or may not be acurate, does not have the ability to inspire fear into a person? And that fear compiled with the trauma of needing the abortion in the first place? Regardless of whether she actually has the emotional fortitude to make it through the proceedure, it will take years for her to heal from the emotional trauma of the event. And that my friend is not a peaceful protest, That is trying to coerce others into following your beliefs.
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