Thread: Freeganism.
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Old 12-21-2008, 10:03 PM   #96
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Well excuse my ignorance on the matter. I really don't know anything about Food not Bombs, and I'd never heard of it before this website. Kontan explained sorta the idea behind it.

Needless to say, I'm skeptical about how effective it really is, but at least people are trying, and I will concede that if disaster victims and such actually are being fed by such a program than dumpster-diving has some redeeming qualities.

Nevertheless I'm always very suspicious of stuff like this. The reason I had such a strong reaction to those kids in the video is not because I disagree with some kids mooching free food. Moreso, I'm pissed off at my fellow leftists. I see so many people more concerned with living their "lifestyle" than actually producing any sort of meaningful change. More concerned with being a revolutionary than actually producing a revolution. I see so much passion that could be put to better use wasted on selfish exploits.

We're liberals, we're compassionate, we're young, we're angry, we're ready, so why do I see so many passionate young people smoking weed and being "lifestylists"? I see so much talk about taking down corporations and no action. Mainly they just say: "YAY! we got OBAMA IN! WE WON!" and go back to toking.

Living for the counterculture isn't making the world a better place, it's running away from the world. So often it's wasting passion and making us complacent, and frankly we're better than that.

Food not bombs sounds like a great idea, but frankly I want to see some organization, I want to see some centralization. I want to see something more than ideals, and inefficient effort, because right now, the conservatives are kicking our asses when it comes to actually helping the less-fortunate, and that's freaking sad.

People of our generation need to stop Fetishizing the poor and powerless and actually use the power we have to freaking do something about it.
Originally Posted by KontanKarite
I promote radical change through my actions.
Originally Posted by Ben Lahnger
I have chugged more than ten epic boners.
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