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Old 01-12-2006, 07:42 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by apefist
Not fearful, just cautious. Bushco is just using Pat Robertson's plan, not him. His book is the "bible" for raising a grass roots effort to get christians out voting for candidates with a certain agenda, i.e., overturning Roe v. Wade, bringing the nation "back to god" by removing the separation of church & state clause from the first amendment.
not for nothing, but this george bush - pat robertson affiliation to create a new world seems to have escaped the mainstream media which leads me to believe that whatever sources you're citing are small, severely slanted or biased sites hell-bent on forcing their obscure view on the four or five readers they cater to. after all, most news organizations loathe the fact that george bush exists, never mind that he's president. anything that might thrust another spear into his hide would be expolited for every ounce it's worth.

Originally Posted by apefist
Edible_eye, I respect your POV, but I'm no conspiratorialist. The fact is, none of the "powers that be" deny any of the above I posted.
i respect your point of view as well, but the fact remains - many hypotheses about how the government is influenced are tossed at the white house from all points. i've even heard something about aliens being in charge of bush...

the point is - the white house doesn't need to deny every hackneyed accusation thrown at it in order for such accusations to be considered invalid.

Originally Posted by apefist
Hell, they're Gung Ho to tell you all about it.
they're "gung ho" to state that they believe in god and take inspiration from a christian standpoint. they're also "gung ho" to state that the law is the law.

Originally Posted by apefist
From your responses, I'm guessing you're somewhat conservative--that's fine--but regular dyed in the wool conservatives who don't want religion muddling up government are becoming few and far between. Good luck with that. I'm an independent because I think both parties (and their spin-offs) suck.
i'd define myself as a libertarian, or a radical independant. i'd be happy with a government that supported the military, the postal system, the roads and the national parks. and that's pretty much it.

that said, the notion of a man, our president, ascribing to the tenets of christianity as a guideline for how he lives his life does not necessarily alarm me - any more than a man ascribing to the tenets of judaism, protestantism, et al while looking for inspiration and guidance in his endeavors. discipline is discipline.

those who voted for bush knew full well his religious leanings when they voted for him -and if they didn't, shame on them for casting an uninformed ballot. he won the majority. that's democracy. and he'll be gone in a couple of years.

Originally Posted by apefist
But for laughs, go read the Texas Republican platform. The people I am describing (and am wary of) all seem to come from Texas. Scary. Thanks for taking time to read and respond as opposed to those who posted for comic relief...heh...
i read through some of it and to me, it's just a lot of hot air, much like those who bash christmas, saying such a celebration is offensive and needs to be abolished.

the bottom line - christianity is under attack in this country. between the recent church scandals and the left-based initiative to destroy the basic principles under which this country was formed - those of judeo-christian values - whatever texas requires of their politicians, it just doesn't hold water.
"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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