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Old 02-11-2011, 02:54 PM   #80
Join Date: Oct 2005
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The pedo aspect of LTROI wasn't just the only thing that the movie left out, it also left out the monster he turned into at the end, they left out many characters, such as Tommy and his family, the American version included the police officer but completely dropped Victoria and co., it left out Eli's origins but included her gender ambiguity without explaining it. I guess it was a nod to people who read the book but it must have been extremely confusing if you hadn't read it. The American version hinted to it but never showed the scar on her crotch. Overall the book covered so much more and so the characters were more involving.

And yes, Eli was a tragic figure, in that something bad happened to her and we do sympathize with her, but she herself is not emotional. She kills easily and without remorse, she's awesome and cute when she's with Oskar and terrifying at the same time, a great balance of the classic vampire with the modern tragic hero vampire. There's no torture of "I have to be with Oskar!" She's protective of him, and sometimes a little tender, but its so subtle and more believable. Hakan starts out as a sympathetic monster as well, but that doesn't go well for him. He take the "Dracula as a rapist" symbol and goes nuts with it.

And I never complained that the books weren't enough like the novel, but due to time constraint and budget and what they could get away with (They can't show Hakan the way he was at the end), it wasn't nearly as good as the book.
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