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Old 04-13-2010, 05:35 AM   #14
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OK. You're right about my reaction, so I'm just going to state some facts.

LC was never goth in the least, point blank. The reason for this is because goth is technically a derivative of punk rock and has no relation to metal in any way. Without punk, you'd never have goth or at least post-punk for that matter. Metal had nothing to do with goth at all. Hence, the easiest way to identify a goth by looking is if you actually see a predominantly black clad punk with more post punk or deathrock and goth rock band patches or tee shirts. But that's a huge generalization and I already know that.

The only similarities between goth and metal would be aesthetic style choices and even then a trained eye could conceivably notice the difference between the two style wise on a fashion level.

It's not that I hate the word, it's that the word somehow holds a mystique about it that somehow empowers people to think they're better off being a goth. The word holds a lot of connotation. If people think you're a goth, there's a huge chance they'll think or assume you're intelligent, dark, romantic, and poetic or at least these people would like to think that. But it's not the case. It's annoying to me as much as fat chicks who say they're witches somehow makes them think that they're actually sexual vixens cause they all there is to know about magical sex.

In short, LC isn't goth. Never was, never will be. I only got annoyed because this was never an intelligent conversation to begin with because anyone that knows better would have never bothered to bring it up in the first place. So I assumed you were a troll.
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