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Old 11-05-2012, 09:12 PM   #158
Join Date: Nov 2012
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Originally Posted by Eclipsing the Son View Post
Lets face it. Blade was shit and Blackula should have pointed that out before it happened. Just look at 30 Days of Night. The black vampire fucks up everything by infecting people. Black vampires just don't have a clue.

Ever had the misfortune of seeing Dracula 3000? I rest my case.

There are many reasons for this. For one thing vampires should not have skin pigmentation. They don't go out in the sun, and they aren't scary. Having a black person walking around in a cape with a Romanian accent is ridiculous.

Visual cases of black people trying to be scary vampires and just looking stupid.


You can go ahead and say I'm being racist but black people just don't make good vampires. I don't know why, can't put my finger on it. It simply does not work. It's the same reason the white guy is always the comic relief or getting killed in a street gang movie or why Malibu's Most Wanted was made.

Black people make terrible vampires.
I love how you supported your argument with invalid information and bias opinions. Blade is a all around good vampire movie. It supports the Memory of Vampires/Dracula while adding a little twist to create something new and original. Also its a family movie never meant to be scary.

The Queen of the Damned was in all a interesting movie. The plot being that a vampire was tired of living life in the shadows and sought out a life in the light. Aaliyah(being black) played a very good vampire. Being the queen of them all. She displayed authority, confidence, and the blood lust of any vampire.

Also the picture you have chosen to support this argument of yours show nothing but ignorance and childish behavior. If anyone of these people reading this was smart enough to realize that the first picture you posted is of a teenage black nerd who found photoshop and painted his eyes blue and what may seem he add some small fangs. This could be argued to be the design of some messed up teeth. This is also NOT picture of a movie containing a black vampire so this clearly is irrelevant and can not be used to prove your point.

The second picture is of a man dressed up for Halloween. Knowing that Halloween is time of creativity. He is clearly dressed up has "Zorro Vampire" *Hint* The Zorro look a like mask. He had no intentions of being a scary vampire. He did this for fun. and like i stated before. This is clearly not a picture of any movie containing a black vampire. So this irrelevant and can not be used to prove your point.

The third picture (barley too small to see) is from a movie all critics called a complete disaster. The Director was horrible and could not stare the direction of vampires in to the future. Critics also stated the movie disrespected the memory of Dracula and on top of that deemed it unworthy of watching. Dracula 3000 is a movie that failed all together. So using a picture of a over all completely FAILED MOVIE brings you no closer to proving your the point of the topic.

Ask for your forth picture of Blacula. He was created in the 60-70's stereotype that all black people had "Pork Chop Side-Burns" and a "Afro" to match. Using the picture of a movie created in 1972 where racism was just being lifted of the shoulder's of america cant clearly define the theory of "White Vampires" being better "Black Vampires". The concept of that movie was based on a bias information and creation.

Also in Dracula II: Ascension the "Black Guy" who was turned in to a vampire did a excellent job as a vampire. He display the horror, stealth, and killer instincts of a vampire. Not the mention the other 2 "Movies" i talked about. (Blade and The Queen of the Damned)

I have yet to see solid information to support your topic. Next time you post something like this use actual information and not things you found while trying to enforce you own racist ambitions.
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