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Old 08-13-2013, 04:31 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2010
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Posts: 5
Was I just put in my place?

On a news website, there was an article on a celebrity who once went through a Goth phase. I went to the comments section, and most of the people there seemed to think that Goth is a phase and that all Goths wear all black.

I made a reply to a comment; I stated that those characterizations are stereotypes. I stated that Goths are not exclusively angsty teenagers or kids.

I received a reply from someone who claimed to be a part of the Batcave days. He stated that I was wrong, and that all Goths are angsty teenagers and kids going through a phase who then grow up to become angsty adults. Am I missing something? Is he implying that we are no longer Goths when we are adults? Is it a stereotype that all Goths are angsty or not?

All this time I was lead to believe that Goths being angsty and in their Tweens or teens were typically stereotypes. He also stated that as adults, we grow out of dressing like Goths after 25 (he stated that staples like teased hair and velvet look ridiculous, for example). Paradoxically, he also said that no one really grows out of the scene.

While it is true that there should be age appropriate looks, I disagree that we have to throw away things like velvet and such.

Finally, he belittled me for my age (I was born in the late 70's) and said that he was there in the original Batcave days. I don't mind snarky comments. However, I thought his comment was a bit catty. My comments also received a few negative votes, but whatever.

So was I wrong? Was I put in my place? If the Goth label is really reserved only for teenagers and angsty, snobbish adults, I don't want to have anything to do with the label.
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