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Old 05-08-2009, 05:46 PM   #1
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 2
It would be awesome if you could answer these questions for me :)

Hi there, I am currently studying fashion, and will be designing a collection on goth fashion. As part of my brief, I need to get to know your identity, and it would very much appreciated if you could answer these questions so I can gain a very brief insight into your minds so I can design my collection accordingly. Thanks for answering these questions, you don't have to answer all of them, some topics can be touchy, very personal and such, but as much as you can would help me do a very detailed analysis, and if you don't want to post your answers here, you can PM them to me.

On a scale of 1-10 how well off do you rate yourself? (money)
1- very poor 10- very well off

Do you have a religion you feel closest to?

What is your most valuable possession? Why?

What possession in your opinions represents/ identifies you the most?

Would you say you are comfortable and confident in your environment doing everyday stuff based on your identity (i.e goth culture, eg. wearing clothes that identify you to your identity without caring whether people are critical of you/ or their opinions)

What kind of things consume your spare time?

Do you dress similar to your friends? Family? Affiliations?

Do you have any stereotype you feel you are drawn to?

Does the season/ environment affect your day to day clothing choice? (e.g Type of clothes you wear, feelings you have, things you want/ don't want to do, etc)

In your opinion, do you think your personality is one that stands out in the crowd? Does it blend in? Or do you prefer not be noticed at all? Please provide reasons?

What is the state of your bedroom right now?

How well do you get along with your parents?

Are you a music person? What genres do you feel yourself drawn to?

If you believe you have a soul, does it affect your clothing style?

What colour are the majority of yours clothes? Why?

What would an idea garment for you be?

Do you have any tattoos/ piercings? Where/ what/why?

What opinion do you have on corests?

Are your family uncomfortable by your clothing choice?

What is your most common piecce of clothing/ Why?

What does the colour black mean/ symbolise to you?

I do realise this is a long questionnaire, but thanks in advance for answering them. You can also email me your answers to miserably.stunning@**********

Have a great day xD
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