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Lost Girl – Ceremony

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Lost Girl - Ceremony

The Dawning finally dawns on Lost Girl, as Bo trips through some sloppy metaphors and gets back to her human roots while discovering her inner Galadriel.

I wanted to hate this episode, and it gave me plenty of reasons to. I mean, it starts out with only a warning for language and violence, with not a single mention of sexual situations or nudity. What the hell? It would be fine if they slipped some into the episode anyway. Everyone knows unexpected nudity is the best kind. But no, the warnings were accurate.

I can’t really hate it, though. If nothing else, the Dawning is over. And for all its flaws, there were some puzzle pieces strewn throughout Bo’s surreal rambles, and if there’s one thing a TV series can do to make me love it forever and ever is to give me a mystery to try and solve.

So…the cold open gives us an obvious alternate reality. Bo and Dyson are married, and Bo is pregnant. Back in the real world, Bo and Kenzi are chasing some random fae critter, and there’s a cute bit where Bo confesses her kiss with Tamsin, then immediately takes off with this adorably awkward run. I hope someone gifs that soon.

They find that Stella has set up a sex/snuff party for Bo, with a bunch of lingerie models and pretty boys for her to feed on to the death. Bo will need a “full feed” to strengthen up for the Dawning, but she reasserts her pro-human ethical stance and refuses. That one model was super hot, though. You’d think she could have indulged in a non-lethal feed.

Kenzi is still having a hard time dealing with her humanness amongst the fae, telling Bo, “I was just thinking about what happens to cats when their owners die.” Is it me or is it really creepy that Kenzi thinks of herself as Bo’s cat, even jokingly? Stella feeds the insecurity by telling her a whispered secret about what happens to unclaimed humans, but Trick says he’d claim her and is nice enough to call her “family,” and not “loyal and house-trained.” Kenzi brings up the Norn’s suggestion that she could become fae, though.

Bo finally enters the “temple” of the Dawning, a sort of unreality meant to test her will and let her find her true self. Dyson volunteers to accompany her as her hand. I’m not going to detail every little plot twist in the temple, because as we eventually learn, it was all fake anyway. Bo and Dyson keep bouncing around to different alternate realities, all of them ham-handed metaphors for various aspects of Bo’s life. The best was certainly Bo and Lauren playing Hot Cops with Trick as chief and Kenzi a scared mob informant. The worst was Dyson picking now to confess his love for Bo in agonizingly boring manner. My notes here read, “Dyson blaaaaaaaaaaaaa.”

Ultimately, Bo finds her “key” by stabbing fake husband Dyson, then breaking the rules to get both her and Dyson back to the real world. Because that’s her true self, a breaker of rules. Bo doesn’t come to a complete stop at intersections. She tears the tags off her pillows. She refuses to choose an alignment in fae society. That sort of thing.

However muddy and lame the Dawning was, those segments had all kinds of weird little Easter eggs in them. When Bo and Dyson arrive in the Dawning version of the Dal, the jukebox is playing Dion’s 1962 hit “The Wanderer.” Later, hot cop Bo meets her neighbor, who is Tamsin with bloody hands. My razor sharp detective skills lead to believe this is a metaphor of some kind indicating that Tamsin has killed innocents in the past. Anyway, Tamsin tells Bo, “Great day for a wander!” So there’s this Wanderer thing, and I’ll theorize in a minute.

There’s one other odd detail: the lingerie model from Bo’s pre-Dawning sex party keeps turning up. There’s a framed photo of her in Bo’s apartment, then she shows up as a suspect (or victim?) in one of hot cop Bo’s case files.

Lastly, we have the dream sequence where Bo sees someone, possibly her true father (whom we’ve never met), cradling an infant which is apparently Bo herself. Bo’s adoptive mother (not the one who raised Bo, but another one) then has her throat slit by Aife, Bo’s fae mom.

When Bo and Dyson return to reality, Dyson is dead and no amount of Dr. Lauren, M.D. chest compressions will help. So Bo goes full Galadriel at the Mirror, turns scary and says in an awesome, doomy voice:

“I will reign as he did. For I am his daughter. Together, we will bridle the masses and ride them to victory. Even death will fear us. Only I will choose who lives.”

Then she sucks life energy from her pals and spews it into Dyson, who lives again.

This whole thing was awesome. I want more of mega-powerful bad-ass Bo. I’d love for her to seem more dangerous. There seemed to be a suggestion that this is all part of her bag of succubus tricks now that she’s finished Dawning and is fully evolved. Bo and Kenz had this ultra casual conversation about it after, like SuperSuccuBo popping up and squirting people’s chi hither and thither was no biggie.

The cliffhanger shows Trick parting ways with his foxy Lodestar Stella, then uncovering an old woodcut in a trunk. It shows a dragon flaming some villagers, and Trick exclaims, quite naturally, “Not him!”

No, seriously, has any human ever in real life yelled, “Not him!”? I’m trying to imagine any scenario. Like, I’m looking out my front window and see Kim Jong-un waddling up my driveway. “Not him!”

Oh, I promised a theory. My thorough, totally not based on a single Wikipedia article research into Tarot tells me that the Wanderer, more commonly known as the Fool, can often be thought of as being “in between.” He’s an ending that leads to a beginning. He’s a journey or a path, not the end goal. He exists in an undefined state. I think this is the aspect of the Wanderer that Bo represents. It seems like they’re putting the whole, “Bo needs to pick a side” thing into play again, so how she resolves that would make an interesting through line for this season, especially now that Bo has crazy super powers.

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Posted by on Monday, March 18th, 2013. Filed under Dark TV, Headline. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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