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Shaun Jeffrey

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shaun jeffreyShaun Jeffrey was born in 1965 and lives in Cheshire, England with his partner, Debra and their fantastic son, Callum. Growing up in a house in a cemetery, his playground was the graveyard – perfect grounding for writing horror, and his early reading experience came from headstones! Shaun Jeffrey has had over 40 short stories published, one collection entitled Voyeurs of Death, and three novels, Evilution, The Kult and Deadfall. The Kult has been optioned for film and shooting has begun.

Shaun Jeffrey tries to write most days, but as it’s not his fulltime profession, he is afraid real life intervenes in the form of his day job, which is working on the railway as a Signalling and Telecommunication Engineer. Among his previous jobs, he has been a fitness instructor, made ammunition, and worked in a food factory, all of which gives him experience upon which to draw, or write, as the case may be.

You can find all articles and fiction relating to Shaun Jeffrey at tag Shaun Jeffrey.

blog: Blogspot
web site: Shaun Jeffrey and Horror World
Twitter: @shaunjeffrey
Facebook: Shaun Jeffrey
books on Amazon: Shaun Jeffrey

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Posted by on Sunday, May 15th, 2011. Filed under Who's Who. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
