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Showcasing My Failures 1: Project TUB

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Posted 08-09-2020 at 03:03 PM by TrivialMorose
Updated 08-09-2020 at 03:24 PM by TrivialMorose

Heya, bot-heads!

Here starts a series chronicling the failures of my writing hobby. This isn’t about the stories themselves, this is just about how I have failed. So, I still won’t be showing you any

I’ll start with the freshest first.

Project TUB

I only came up with this short story a couple of days ago, and I already count it as a failure.
On that day, I wrote an outline of the whole thing, with some sort of sketches for all the individual scenes, and fully fleshed two of the first scenes. They are a short intro scene setting up the mystery, and a short scene introducing the two main characters of the story.
Then I haven’t really been able to bring myself to touch it again after that fateful day, because I saw the story and was too embarrassed of it.

Ugh, I have this silly thought, that somehow writing down my embarrassments publicly like this might somehow lead to them breaking, instead of just worsening them.

So, here, eat my pain:

Project TUB = YA vomit about university students. Disgusting.

PS. Dear diary, Update on the mountain of dishes.

I did it! I think it took me three hours to clear out all of it, and that was after one drinking glass exploded. That was quite the mountain indeed. Phew.

That must sound like it was weeks of dish accumulation or something, but it was actually just about two days worth of it! Billy Halleck eating, I tell ya...

EDIT: I just read this and saw the word "publicly" and snorted. I mean, come on Where's the public?
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