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3:03 am, why am I still up?

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Posted 11-02-2009 at 01:14 AM by FrozenSilence

Sitting here drinking vitamin water, dragonfruit flavor talking to jon. I am almost getting a buzz off this water. haven't had any vitamins since i was a small child so gezzus <_< stupid water it tastes horrible but its good for now rather than 7-up. ima try and drink better. tho there is some bubble guy liquer.. ..hmm. Nah. bubble gun is just not the flavor for drinking. Ah well tho i have my ice cup to eat. hah,taking about what me and jon should do later. Fun fun. Tho i am thinking about getting my industrial done but the pain factor is going to suck big time. God dammit the pain! I don't wanna go through it but then again i do just cuz. Though i did think my tougne was gonna be terrible as all hell but no it wasn't even that bad. Hm i will have to try it.
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