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Posted 11-13-2009 at 07:40 PM by chainsawXmassacre
Updated 02-20-2010 at 09:53 PM by chainsawXmassacre

the clock ticks by, each second seeming like an eternity. the endless pounding of the hands seem to bombard my soul as if searching for a way in, attempting to shatter it. Echo. it echos. It reminds me of a time when everything was easy, and life was simple..a time when everything just made sense. no strings attatched. everything just WAS. Now i lie here like a broken puppet, i, whos strings have been impossibly tangled in the web of life, this web of misery. I want to break free, i want to move on my own again, and yet....i cant. im immoblie. it seems like the life force that once sustained me has been drained. i want to be free be of what? of you.
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