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Don't Invite Pain Into Your Life

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Posted 04-07-2009 at 11:08 PM by KontanKarite

This was a saying that my sister always told me for the past couple of years.

I would spend some time every other day, taking that advice and seeing how it applied to my current situations.

I'm in an interesting situation now. On one hand, I'm living with someone I deeply care about, but feels it's best that we not be together and just be friends. All the while, she tries to reminisce the wonderful plans and ideas we had before she decided to. This hurts. There go, logic would say not to invite that pain into my life.

Thing is, it also hurts to imagine myself forgetting about this wonderful person. Mainly because I know that if I get over it, I'll end up walking away from a great friendship.

For now, the only course I can take is to focus on my trade. It's a great distraction for this and I'm doing it quite well.

I know that eventually, I'll figure out how to coexist with this great person and avoid inviting the pain in. For now, I need sleep.
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