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so this is it

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Posted 10-26-2009 at 03:05 AM by Razeal18
Tags bitching , suicide

well i am 23 as of last thursday and well things arent going as well as i had hoped for myself. i wish i had a job or any money whatsoeva. i have a car that wont work and an ex girlfriend whom is equally as depressed as when we were togeather. my roomies are awesom tho. they share food and ciggs and odd bumps in the night puntuated with moaning and "omg should we get a doctor?". Could not ask for cooler people than that. bordome seems to be lurking behind every corner and that is something that i truly fear. to be depressed enough to do "it". i know i kow what a dumbass. we gawths have enough problems and could do without all the suicide cases but what am i to do? masterbation can only entertain me so much before i pass out and wake up at 6pm wondering where my life is going. i need weed, or a party or an oppurtunity for redemption . I NEED A FUCXKING JOB!!
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