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Various musings, regrets and eclectic epiphany's.
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Domesticated batcave, 2015

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Posted 05-24-2015 at 05:32 PM by HumanePain
Updated 06-28-2015 at 12:14 AM by HumanePain
Tags @@ob46c , ¿'¿"

OK, so I realized I haven't updated this blog in centuries and things have actually kind of reversed from the last time I posted, so here is the latest:

The last time I blogged my son was living at home and going nowhere fast: working minimum wage jobs at bistros and such and then drinking his money away, and was a leaf blowing in the wind.

Well, what a difference a couple of years can make! He has been in the US Army the past two years! He spent a year in South Korea, then six months in Liberia helping deliver medication and healthcare to Ebola stricken communities there, then came back to Texas (Ft. Bliss), and now is home for the first time in years on leave for three weeks before he goes to the Middle East (not confirmed but rumors in his squad say that it will be either Iraq or Israel). He is a logistics specialist, driving a ruggedized laptop computer in a tent to track inventory and restock his fellow soldiers whether it be bombs or butter.

He is making the most money he ever made in his life (he has risen to Corporal so far and is aiming for Sergeant), but drinking still keeps him from success: one time he rented a car, got drunk and let his party mate drive and she crashed it. He hadn't bought the Loss and Damage Waiver (LDW) so he got into expensive trouble with the rental car company and the DMV.

But at least he appreciates his prior life in the United States a little more now, having seen the world. Actually he has traveled much farther than I ever did (and I visited 35 states from Alaska to the Virgin Islands, Hawaii to Connecticut and a lot in between).

Meanwhile his sister, my daughter, son-in-law and grandson Dane have been living here for the past three/four years and have settled down into domestic life. Dane is completing second grade and will go into third grade this September. His father also travels for a living, building automated warehouse delivery systems (conveyor belt on-demand delivery that replace forklifts). They are in the market for a house thanks to Mrs. Humane and I letting them live here rent free so they could save their money.

Mrs. Humane and I are really looking forward to them leaving, not because of problems, but so we can become empty nesters at last and start spending money on ourselves instead of our extended family: travel to Europe, investing in landscaping the backyard and of course buying books, laboratory equipment, music and goth clothing. And although we have already been to Hawaii three times we would like to go back again, we never tire of it! So beautiful and relaxing in the Aloha spirit.

I hope the next time I update the blog Dane and his parents will have a home of their own!

EDIT: June27, 2015
Welp, they moved out tonight! They finally bought a place an hour away and closed escrow a few days ago, and so tonight Mrs.Humane and I went out for dinner to celebrate. Empty Nesters at last!!!
Ahhhh, peace and...well, I can't exactly say quiet with Prodigy's *Breathe* playing full blast on my surround sound, get the idea!
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