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Zaney Duaney!!!

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Posted 03-22-2009 at 12:41 AM by Duane

Months ago I used to refer to myself as Zaney Duaney, Gnets' residential King of Rock. A mighty Rocker who armed with the magic of Duane, and power of Rock blew the minds of all people here. Well, I just got on peoples nerves with it, really.

Just a lame attempt at getting some attention, I'd enter threads and post something along the lines of *Duane slides into the thread on his knees, and plays an E chord* "YAHOOOOOO OW OW OW OW OW OHHHHHHHH!". In homage to Zelda, I'd also jam out on a plastic tree stump.

Despite all of the negativity I was receiving from a couple of people, I continued using this character personality. It wasn't until a while later when Duckman said something to me that I quit with the act. He's still around, but he's toned down a lot with the Magic of Duane and Power of Rock.
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  1. Old Comment
    What? WHAT?! Asshole. Bring back Zaney Duaney, you murderer.
    Posted 04-29-2009 at 09:30 PM by Mir Mir is offline

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