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WI unions and the batshit crazy congress plan to fix WI debt

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Posted 02-17-2011 at 07:38 AM by Lady Sorrow

hey every one, especially my fellow wisconsinites out there. i wanted to bring up the fact that congress or whatever is voteing on a new budget for Wi because, well were broke.
voteing for this new bill starts at 11:00 today (wi time)

this new budgest is going to totally rip off teachers from all their benifits, cut their payments, and eventually cause more povety in Wisconsin.

Although this bill will (somewhat) help, it is only going to be a temporary band aid for the gushing wound that is our state debt.

i encourage you all to e mail or just get a hold of the congressmen/ women to try and stop this bill. it may help for the short term, but what we need is a long term fix.

help out our teachers and other union workers keep their jobs and benifits, and be a part of this protest against this bill.

the clock is ticking away, will you help us out?
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