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The store!

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Posted 03-19-2009 at 12:00 PM by Duane

I work in a little grocery store in the poor side of town, despite being situated in ... Utah... not being able to accept EBT and WIC, it's pretty cool.

Unlike that other job at Smith's, we don't play some lame tape over and over. Got decent tunes here, Eagles, Boston, Heart, Fleetwood Mac and several more, like the bands I listed in the last blog.

Recently, a Federal Tax was introduced making the price of cigarettes go up a dollar! This is not including the state tax that will be passed in Utah by next summer, I don't know. This is ridiculous, a year from now maybe a bit less, the cheapest cigarettes we have will be 5 dollars.

Customers, I hate how they always add there two cents to everything... and how some who have run stores said "If he was working for me, I'd blah blah blah." Half the time I just want to tell them to shut the fuck up... other times I'd rather they just went to Smith's.
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  1. Old Comment
    jack_the_knife's Avatar
    I feel sorry for you man. Customers can be real pricks sometimes...
    Posted 03-19-2009 at 01:29 PM by jack_the_knife jack_the_knife is offline

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