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  1. Old Comment

    Searching for The Lost

    That's a very sad poem. However, don't you think that it's possible to find a new love even after your heart has been broken in case he doesn't return? A person's future is too important to depend solely on someone else's decision; people were not meant to be alone.
    Posted 09-19-2010 at 05:14 AM by TheFeatheredÆtheling TheFeatheredÆtheling is offline
  2. Old Comment

    Chaos Star

    I think that this poem expresses a wonderful relationship from your past that has recently been rekindled. Your lover, however, pushes you in some way or another beyond what you are comfortable with. Recently, you have doubts about the sincerity of your lover's love for you, but you hope that his intentions are good and true. (I could be wrong of course.)

    Thanks for sharing this; perhaps I'll write some "romance" related poetry too. 'Keep it up, Milady.
    Posted 09-19-2010 at 04:52 AM by TheFeatheredÆtheling TheFeatheredÆtheling is offline
  3. Old Comment
    Lady Sorrow's Avatar


    i wrote this from a dream i had last night that was just too unsettleing to let go.
    Posted 06-30-2010 at 08:17 AM by Lady Sorrow Lady Sorrow is offline

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