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Peter Murphey vs. The Bauhaus

Posted 04-20-2009 at 09:13 AM by Tam Li Hua (The Blue Moon Times)

This morning, I've been listening to Peter Murphey's live album [i]Just for Love[/i], and I have to admit that I think I prefer older Peter Murphey on his own to the Bauhaus. Or, at the very least, I like the newer Peter Murphey/Bauhaus stuff to the older stuff.

Maybe it's because I'm feeling my age lately, and all that angst, piss, and vinegar that I felt when I was a teen has faded somewhat. Who knows.

That being said, if anyone knows of any other newer albums...
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what's up?

Posted 04-09-2009 at 10:01 PM by dead4crow

this is a little strange for me. i've never been involved with the gothic community before...too introverted i guess. i was the creepy kid who had a specimen collection at the age of 10 (what does that say for my parents?). No one in my family ever said anything when i decided to wear strictly black at the age of 12, or when i wanted to go see the latest horror film rather than the latest disney movie (although disney IS pretty scary). I found my first friend when i was 13 and lost her when...
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A Staple in Time Saves Nine Fish.

Posted 04-09-2009 at 08:27 AM by Tam Li Hua (The Blue Moon Times)
Updated 04-09-2009 at 06:44 PM by Tam Li Hua (added to personal category.)

I'm having the staples taken out today. Woo!!

The hubby and I have endeavored to keep them clean, and the wounds themselves no longer bother me, except for the one right below and a little inside of the belly button. It makes it a little awkward in trying to figure out what to wear, because anything too itchy or too tight irritates the bloody hell out of the area.

That being said, I will still have 3 weeks after today before I can eat red meat or dairy again. :/...
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Morphine comes in a little glass vial...

Posted 04-06-2009 at 09:12 AM by Tam Li Hua (The Blue Moon Times)

So the surgery went well; I have four holes in my mid-section, a staple or two over each one, and no gall bladder.

*insert great joy and happy dances here*

I'm a little sore and feel a little bruised, but I have a feeling that after that passes [and if I endeavor to actually take care of myself instead of consuming a lot of unhealthy junk], that I'm going to feel a -lot- better! =D

I have to eat easy-to-digest foods for about a month: No dairy, no red...
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Working Blues.

Posted 03-30-2009 at 07:45 AM by Tam Li Hua (The Blue Moon Times)
Updated 03-30-2009 at 08:57 AM by Tam Li Hua (added tags)

I need a new career, preferably one that doesn't involve the words "answer phones", "take messages", or "secretary".

I would -love- to get involved in a training program and go back overseas, but I'm not sure if I could talk the hubby into it, nor am I sure that it's what the Big Guy Upstairs has in mind for us.

Seriously, though, sometimes I miss it so much that I wish I could just get on a plane and go. I know that if I ask the Big...
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