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Posted 11-24-2010 at 08:04 AM by scream_qween

i look alive , i been inside my heart holes and black wood floats we`ll do some drugs and fall in love and get fucked up while the world just shrugs, we not thinking logically, we wondering the streets so aimslessly and people say you dye your hair or wear tight jean that does`nt mean that you cant scream or like loud noise you have have a voice you have a chioce... now wathc me stike this knife called lust into my chest untill it busts!!! :confused:
~hollywood undead,
knife called
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wine red!! awsomeness

Posted 11-19-2010 at 08:54 AM by scream_qween

....who shot that arrow through your heart? who missed the crimson apple? it hung heavy on the tree above your head.. This chaos
this calamity, this garden once was perfect, give your immortality to me and ill set you free! Glorious, we lied we cant move on this is the time and this is the place to be alive!! the seas wine red this is the death of beauty, lovers crieds while others died.....i pulled the arrow from your heart, streched you beneath the tree, with lively roots and babies
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Posted 11-18-2010 at 08:49 AM by scream_qween
Updated 11-19-2010 at 08:41 AM by scream_qween

all right who in thier right mind does NOT LIKE A TACO????? well i know someone now who does`nt and i am just completely thrown off by it i mean whats not to love about a taco they are just like YESSS!!!! awww my heart hurts now </3 :(
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Posted 11-17-2010 at 08:38 AM by scream_qween

this is just a poem i wrote so ya :)

You’re my change of skin, my summer-winter-fall; I spring to follow you, this loss of beauty
We bear the grins of the smiling dead
World of words lost to the living, I take my place with the walking dead
Robbed of my voice I am always giving, thousands of word for this nameless dread
You are the best of them

Sloughing my skin, escaping its grip, stripped of my wit, it hurts to be
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