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Anouther day anouther dream?

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Posted 11-01-2009 at 03:21 AM by FrozenSilence
Tags dark , dream , dreams , life , sleep

have you ever thought of life as a dream? I have, basically from the time i started having dreams i could remember. I hate some of them, some I love. Others perhaps are forbidden. Then again, Life has all of those right? So how do you know life isn't a dream as well as a dream isn't your life. A dream without the worries pretty much a perfect world waiting for you to move in your thoughts. i wonder how much one can think about this before getting overworked passing out into the realm of dreams. You know what I mean? I used to listen to my ipod right when I layed down before bed and left it on over night. I had some of the best dreams that way. I may start again but then again I had some of the worst to. So who knows.
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