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Posted 06-30-2010 at 08:16 AM by Lady Sorrow

a stranger i know,
a man dressed in black,
shot a a smile through my heart
as he turned to look back.

the look in his eyes,
it was too hard to read.
so i awoke with a fear,
trying to contemplate what id seen.

was it sorrow or anger?
a mix of heartache and disgust?
i want to follow my feelings but
its hard when theres none to trust.

i wanted to go to him, say
"lover what did i do?"
but the fear is back,
i cant risk losing you.

but the fear, it continues
"what if hes already gone?"
i try to silence the voice of Fear,
but ive let it be to long.

the man from a dream,
is the man of my dreams.
but happens when,
its not what it seems?
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  1. Old Comment
    Lady Sorrow's Avatar
    i wrote this from a dream i had last night that was just too unsettleing to let go.
    Posted 06-30-2010 at 08:17 AM by Lady Sorrow Lady Sorrow is offline

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