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Gothic Pickup Lines

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Posted 10-25-2009 at 10:46 AM by Fyrliin

1. “Hey, you in the black!”
2. “Your coffin or mine?”
3. “I never knew hellish demons flew so close to the ground…”
4. “Nice shoes, wanna drink blood?”
5. “Hi, I’m Andrew Eldritch”
6. “Hey baby, wanna put the SEX in Alien Sex Fiend??”
7. “Gene might love Jezebel, but baby, I love you.”
8. “I heard milk does the body good, but DAMN! Blood does too??”
9. “You’re so beautiful, when I look at you my heart starts beating… I think.”
10. “Wanna go somewhere a little darker?”
11. “Is that a candle in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”
12. “Hi, I have my own cult!”
13. “Is your pubic hair died black too?”
14. “Are you a boy or a girl… or does it not matter?”
15. “I wanna spin you upside-down like my cross.”
16. “Bite me.”
17. “You are as sexy as death itself.”
18. “Can I impale you with my 7” stake??”
19. “Your name is Erin too?!”
20. “See that man in the corner? Vampire slayer. C‘mon let‘s get out of here!”
21. “Up for a little dominance and humiliation?”
22. “You know, even my penis sheath is black velvet!”
23. “Call me morbid, call me pale, call me yours.”
24. “Aren’t Anne Rice’s writings so poetic?”
25. Don’t you think the human voice, wailing in agony, is the most beautiful of all instruments?”
26. “You’re just how I like my meat: raw and bloody.”
27. “That’s a nice black lace Victorian-era corset. But it would look nicer crumpled up in a ball on my bedroom floor!”
28. “Yes I drink blood. You wouldn’t happen to be menstruating now, would you?”
29. “Wanna take a walk through the cemetery?” (only works if you’re near a cemetery. Don’t try this line in NYC! Instead, say: “Wanna walk along the East River?”)
30. “I lost my black lipstick, can I borrow yours?”
31. “May I dig my nails into your back?”
32. “Hey there, sweet-fang!”
33. “May I lick your boots?”
34. “So… are you Catholic?”
35. “Worship me.”
36. “Didn’t I go to your funeral?”
37. “You remind me of my dead ex-girlfriend.”
38. “Wanna go for a spin in my hearse?”
39. “Let’s put the ’fun’ in funeral!!”
40. “What’s your favorite Baudelaire poem?”
41. “Can I nail you? (and I don’t mean to a crucifix!)”
42. “You would make a beautiful corpse.”
43. “Ever do it on an embalming table?”
44. “Go out with me or I’ll kill us both!”
45. “Tell me, is your heart as cold and black as your eyes?”
46. “No, no, no… what’s your REAL name?”
47. “The Passion of Lovers is for death, said she, The Passion of Lovers is under my sheets.”
48. "How about me and you Get out of here and Find a Coffin."
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  1. Old Comment
    SmokenJester's Avatar
    this is the best thing I have read like ever
    Posted 11-03-2009 at 05:34 PM by SmokenJester SmokenJester is offline
  2. Old Comment
    Fyrliin's Avatar
    Lol I would love to take all the credit, But, my friend was the one who sent this to me...I added a couple though....
    Posted 11-04-2009 at 09:16 AM by Fyrliin Fyrliin is offline
  3. Old Comment
    Lady Sorrow's Avatar
    omj those are awesome lol
    Posted 06-24-2010 at 09:30 AM by Lady Sorrow Lady Sorrow is offline

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