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Not just Frills and petticoats...

Posted 07-31-2009 at 03:16 PM by khajiitchick

okay, so yes on the petticoats, i love them, sorry...

See? this even has torn clothing. i would so wear those arm thingies (i wonder if i can make them?)
i made a skirt like this
of course, a little longer because i am embarrassed of my legs... and it faded so the...
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i went to Six Flags the day before Yesterday and...

Posted 07-31-2009 at 03:00 PM by khajiitchick

i lost a 20 dollar sun hat and my cheapo sunglasses...
the hat was a gift from my bf, which makes it worse... but it was fun!
i was in line for The Chang in front of Christofer Drew (of NeverShoutNever) and felt so bad for him - every scene kid in the area was swarming him like flesh-eating zombies, i wanted to offer to let him have my place on the ride so he could get off of that platform, but my friends wouldn't let me...

Overall it was fun... oh, and i almost drown...
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I may have started my first flame war

Posted 07-29-2009 at 10:37 AM by khajiitchick

I posted here and angered the populus. Since i am too pussy to reply there, i want to defend my comments.

Loli does not mean i buy those clothes, i've never bought from a loli brand, i make my clothes and shop thrift stores fyi.

With that said, i did say i didnt like those people, i found an actual name for them now, druggie punks. Their clothing is not even the thing that bugs me, it's their attitude. The first thought i had about one of them was 'i like his shoes!'...
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Virginity and Guardisil

Posted 07-28-2009 at 10:35 AM by khajiitchick

My medical card pays for Guardisil, the HPV vaccine, my mother convinced me to get it a while back and i got the last shot today. my whole left arm is sore and i have marching band practice later...

while we were at the Health Dept, we were looking at all of these posters, one about establishing paternity if you have a baby, my mom went on this rant about how important it is and about how the first thing i should do is try not to but if i do i have to make sure i know who the father...
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Band Camp is Over!

Posted 07-27-2009 at 12:04 PM by khajiitchick

in other words: Freedom at Last!

i have been wearing long sleeves and an enormous hat in the hot sun for two weeks with 100 SPF and i did succeed in minimally damaging my skin. no tan for me this year!

but the flag routine is good so far and the band sounds great, the freshman love me because they think I'm just the best dancer ever because i can dance en pointe and do a jete' and the splits... i love freshmen...

anyway, now i have a tiny bit of free...
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