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The great panic of 2012-2013

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Posted 01-12-2013 at 06:30 PM by Deadmanwalking_05

Shelves are bare in many firearms shops arcoss the nation....not because they are banned (not yet thankfully) but because all the talk about a wide sweeping firearms ban has caused a buying frenzy.

AR-15's that were in the $700.00 to $850.00 range have been snatched up like crazy,higher cost AR's are also no where to be seen at the moment those that are still on the shelves have seen a price increase into the $2,000.00 dollar range in some places (and that's just for a plain jane D.I. gas system rifle) along with the ammo and standard capacity magazines ( Magpul P-mags that are still around have seen a steep rise in price from $15.00 before the frenzy to some places pricing individual mags $60.00 and up )

Most shotgun ammo can still be found,though popular 12 gauge pumps and '00' buck ammo have seen a good sales number spike,with a diminished availablity on store shelves.

Lessons learned

I'm glad that I bought my Colt 6700MT when I did, otherwise I wouldn't have it now,nor would I be able to afford one at the current ever climbing prices.

I made a good move when I began working on the DFG series ( DFG Mk-1 and DFG Mk-2 respectively) of .410 defensive shotguns,because ammo price hasn't climbed higher than it was before the frenzy began,and can still be found in very good supply.

Also the S&W Governor was a very good buy (I paid $679.00 for mine and have seen the price jump to $769.00) all available revolvers since the buying craze began have been sold out and as far as I know have remained so.

Most popular semi-auto calibers have been bought up along with rifle ammo,though the .45 Long colt supply doesn't seem to have taken a huge hit.

I am going to begin gathering reloading supplies for the .410 and all flavors of the .45 ammo that my Governor is rated for.

Due to the limited case capacity of the .410 the bags of buckshot should last longer than they would if I stuck with the more common gauges.
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