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Meaning behind my character's names

Posted 12-16-2009 at 09:01 PM by Katrina Michaels
Tags vampires;

A few people have asked if there is any meaning to the names I give my characters. Generally no. But there is one exception. When I was in college, I found a stray grey tabby cat and adopted him. He was three feet long from his head to the tip of his tail and around 20 pounds but not overweight. Basically, he was just a big cat who looked like a small mountain lion. And he was a great cat who always greeted each person who came into the house. If you ever couldn't find him, the rule was...
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Trying to decide on a name for Tom's sire

Posted 12-13-2009 at 08:24 PM by Katrina Michaels

I'm trying to decide on a name for Tom's evil sire mentioned in my first book, Midnight Reflections. I'm interested in using an old-fashioned European name. Right now, my top choices are


Any thoughts or suggestions?
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Posted 12-13-2009 at 04:34 AM by littleimp1

hi all am a new here so thought i would say hi .
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Get out (sum for the day)

Posted 12-11-2009 at 10:47 PM by chainsawXmassacre
Updated 02-20-2010 at 09:49 PM by chainsawXmassacre

holy SHIT can you just stop it already? both of you..ALL of you just shut the hell up. PLEASE. you dont get it, you really just dont get it. Your defiling a part of my soul. it hurts. it truly does. I cant take this anymore..but i cant do anything. im powerless in this situation..this..this hierarchy we live with..i have no say. you pretend i do but really, who are we fooling? you piss me off you just PISS me OFF! but i cant scream. i cant explode. I cant complain in the slightest, for what...
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From the Shadows

Posted 12-10-2009 at 03:57 PM by E.J.

My blog "From the Shadows" is located at

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