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SMF 2: Project T

Posted 08-10-2020 at 07:06 AM by TrivialMorose (Don't Read the Private Diary of TrivialMorose)
Updated 08-11-2020 at 11:06 PM by TrivialMorose

Since last time we went over my latest failure, I thought it appropriate that we do my very first one next.

Project T was the very first story I ever began. That was over four years ago, and still it stands a skeleton. (I hope it hasn't been over five years already... That sure would add some salt in the wound, wouldn't it? I don't have the date in front of me right now, so I can't be sure.)

I think it sort of shows that this was my first. I don’t think the writing...
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Showcasing My Failures 1: Project TUB

Posted 08-09-2020 at 03:03 PM by TrivialMorose (Don't Read the Private Diary of TrivialMorose)
Updated 08-09-2020 at 03:24 PM by TrivialMorose

Heya, bot-heads!

Here starts a series chronicling the failures of my writing hobby. This isn’t about the stories themselves, this is just about how I have failed. So, I still won’t be showing you any

I’ll start with the freshest first.

Project TUB

I only came up with this short story a couple of days ago, and I already count it as a failure.
On that day, I wrote an outline of the whole thing, with some sort of sketches...
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Nothing but Chess Played Wrong

Posted 08-09-2020 at 09:38 AM by TrivialMorose (Don't Read the Private Diary of TrivialMorose)

Dear diary,

Today I wandered the woods and picked blueberries while Odin rode his eight legged steed in the sky above me. I also saw a swarm of really cute flies, and a really sexy lady-grasshopper along the way.

Then I played a game of chess, and got the rules only slightly wrong after a millennia of not playing it.

Then a cow glanced my way while I was on my way back home.

Now I'm all beat, and that mountain of dishes still keeps mocking...
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Nothing Lasts Forever

Posted 08-08-2020 at 03:50 AM by TrivialMorose (Don't Read the Private Diary of TrivialMorose)
Updated 08-08-2020 at 04:41 AM by TrivialMorose

Dear diary,

I've been feeling the walls closing in on me all day today.

I feel like I have no elbow room. Objects may appear closer than they really are. I can't breathe. I'm moving in slow motion.

I've had a headache and had to sleep too much. I feel like I've been doing nothing but preparing food and eating all the time.

Eat, eat, eat, that's all that I ever do, like a hungry, hungry hippo, and still I'm just wasting away to nothing. I am like...
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Nothing to see Anywhere

Posted 08-07-2020 at 01:33 PM by TrivialMorose (Don't Read the Private Diary of TrivialMorose)

I'm sorry, Gothic Net, I looked at other websites today. But, man, do they all suck.

I haven't found another website half as sexy as you are, not anywhere on the whole wide web.

So, I really don't get it... Where is everybody? Why is this site such a ghost town?
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