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The Batcave at Sunset

Posted 04-23-2016 at 10:54 AM by HumanePain (Bats from my brain)

Mrs. Humane and I are empty nesters. The kids have families of their own, and my grandson has his first girlfriend. The cavernous four bedroom home 1400 feet up the side of a Southern California mountain is now the quiet and peaceful home that allows for deep thought and insight, as I gaze out over the city lights and distant mountains at sunset, while listening to Dead Can Dance Anywhere Out of the World or Lacuna Coil's Humane or Cold Heritage, or Miles Davis, Bach, Beethoven and other inspirational...
tragic sunset
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Domesticated batcave, 2015

Posted 05-24-2015 at 04:32 PM by HumanePain (Bats from my brain)
Updated 06-27-2015 at 11:14 PM by HumanePain
Tags @@ob46c , ¿'¿"

OK, so I realized I haven't updated this blog in centuries and things have actually kind of reversed from the last time I posted, so here is the latest:

The last time I blogged my son was living at home and going nowhere fast: working minimum wage jobs at bistros and such and then drinking his money away, and was a leaf blowing in the wind.

Well, what a difference a couple of years can make! He has been in the US Army the past two years! He spent a year in South Korea,...
tragic sunset
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Eternal salvation!!

Posted 04-23-2013 at 06:39 PM by pothead

Free ticket to heaven, Do you want to go to heaven, and become a christian??

Jesus is offering you a free ticket to heaven, tell everyone you know!!

Please read this message for the good news, and details on how to receive your free ticket of salvation.

All you have to do is pray/say out-loud if you can the sinner's prayer, and believe in Jesus Christ. You have to believe that Jesus Christ the Son of God loved you so much, he died for your sins on the...
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Posted 03-24-2013 at 10:39 PM by Tam Li Hua (The Blue Moon Times)

Have you ever noticed how every community site needs a place for blogs these days? DeviantART,, Vampirefreaks, Gaia Online, Yahoo!...

How many blogs does the Internet think I need? Silly Internetz, with all your blogeraries....

~Lady Tam~
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Free ticket to Heaven!!!

Posted 01-19-2013 at 02:10 AM by pothead
Updated 01-19-2013 at 09:43 AM by pothead

Free ticket to Heaven. Do you want to go to Heaven???. Free ticket tell everyone you know!!!.

Jesus is offering you a free ticket to heaven. I am going to tell you the Good news, and how that you can become a Christian, and receive the free ticket of salvation, and go to Heaven.

All you have to do is pray/say out loud the sinner's prayer, and believe in Jesus. You have to believe that Jesus Christ The Son of God loved you so much that he gave his life for you by dying...
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