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Peter Murphey vs. The Bauhaus

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Posted 04-20-2009 at 10:13 AM by Tam Li Hua

This morning, I've been listening to Peter Murphey's live album [i]Just for Love[/i], and I have to admit that I think I prefer older Peter Murphey on his own to the Bauhaus. Or, at the very least, I like the newer Peter Murphey/Bauhaus stuff to the older stuff.

Maybe it's because I'm feeling my age lately, and all that angst, piss, and vinegar that I felt when I was a teen has faded somewhat. Who knows.

That being said, if anyone knows of any other newer albums by either one, I'd be [i]very[/i] interested in them! [I already know and love [i]Go Away White[/i], but I was wondering if I'm missing anything else.]

~Lady Tam~
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  1. Old Comment
    Man In Room 5's Avatar
    Ummm...this just in from the AP wire service....Bauhaus broke up in 1983. They reunited a few years ago but Go Away White is their only new material since the breakup (not counting live CDs of their reunion shows). Also, there's no E in Murphy and it's fairly rare to hear Bauhaus called "The Bauhaus".

    Ian Curtis and Rozz Williams are dead too, just in case you didn't hear.

    Seriously tho, there's no shortage of Bauhaus and spin off material out there and no shortage of places and ways to get it. I have nearly 60 CDs and that isn't even all of it. I'd start with an Amazon search. If I get time I'll PM you some suggestions.
    Posted 04-20-2009 at 11:17 AM by Man In Room 5 Man In Room 5 is offline
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    Fae-wolf's Avatar
    this is a comment for your latest blog. I don't have VF. I want to keep in contact with you. You seemed cool.

    My email is or Child_of_lycans_and_Dragons@************

    They are both for my messengers
    Posted 05-07-2009 at 02:12 AM by Fae-wolf Fae-wolf is offline
  3. Old Comment
    Fae-wolf's Avatar
    h o t m a i l
    Posted 05-07-2009 at 02:13 AM by Fae-wolf Fae-wolf is offline

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