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a favor?

Posted 02-11-2010 at 04:02 PM by chainsawXmassacre
Updated 02-20-2010 at 09:46 PM by chainsawXmassacre

Today was another failure. i feel you know so much about me, yet i know virtually nothing about you. Perhaps im being egotistical, thinking you give a damn about me. im positive you dont. Talk to me? perhaps? im sure you think im lame but..could you just tell me so i can get over you? this is slowly tearing me apart, and pretty soon theres not going to be much left to be torn...
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Cynical Ballads - Special Poem - A Flower

Posted 02-03-2010 at 10:20 AM by Good Super Villain (The Psychobabble of the Good Super Villain)

A Flower

not long ago
i met a beautiful flower
in a field of weeds

she was so unhappy
and could not see the sun
so angry at herself
and taking it out
on everyone

she yelled at me
and i listened
she yelled some more
and i listened more
she asked my why
why would i
even care

i said
i understand
i said
you are such a beautiful
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Posted 01-07-2010 at 06:49 PM by chainsawXmassacre
Updated 02-20-2010 at 09:48 PM by chainsawXmassacre

do NOT even try to conform me to your idea of what a person should be. you and your....i dont fit the mold. i NEVER have, and your idea of the mold is so generic and basic....i have never been so insulted in my life. putting words in my mouth...really? really, this is what its come to? i thought you were so much better than that. i really did. im not even mad im just..appauled. i thought you knew me better than that. Honestly i did. has your personality become so warped by this whole situation...
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Posted 12-29-2009 at 11:38 PM by xanimate

This cosmic train of repetitious relations with the opposite sex is sucking me dry to the point of starvation. I stand out in the over burdened ozone of my heart and the feel the raw energy of polarity,love or gravity, screaming out to me. Just fall, just fall, just topple on in my love, my one, the one. Let my body be consumed by the torrent of other worldly energy, and the soul be led like a horse with blinders, must we truly be so ignorant, led by intelligence that is really the birthright of...
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Your Pattern

Posted 12-23-2009 at 06:41 PM by chainsawXmassacre
Updated 02-20-2010 at 09:49 PM by chainsawXmassacre

Everything is falling into place. Each one was a clone...a clone, and what are you?i wish i'd figured this out before the fact..i feel ashamed at my ignorance on such an important matter. i shouldev known better, i shouldev stuck to my word...but i didnt, and im paying the price for it. Was i trying to prove something? probablly, but i just cant remember. Where was i? where were my common sense, my standards, my basic values for all human life? its just a black hole in time. "caught up...
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