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The Grind

Posted 03-23-2011 at 08:10 PM by Xeric2000
Tags dark , despair , life , poetry

Every day, we face the grind.
How will it affect us?
How will we react?
There is something missing
Some great element to life.
What drives us? What makes us get out of bed?
Is there some force, some being?
What is the purpose?
I've lost my reason, the thing that gets me up.
Can someone give me thiers?
Perhaps I could just borrow it,
Until I find a reason of my own.
On second thought, I cannot deprive you of your... Member
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Hello, Boys and Girls! I Hate My Life.

Posted 02-21-2011 at 03:14 PM by Cat Stark
Tags hate , life

I am really stressed out right now. As the title suggests, I hate my life.
I hate the classes I am taking. I hate that house I am living in, and the two people that I have to live with there. I hate that my room is not clean because it is too small to fit all my stuff. I hate that I have no free time where I can just relax and be myself. I hate that I have to laugh at myself every chance I get just so I am not so stressed out I have a nervous brake down. I hate the fact that if I died today
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Welcome to my first post

Posted 11-04-2010 at 05:20 AM by Theprophetangel (The Prophetangel)
Tags life

Welcome to my first post here. Greetings to everyone here. Wanted to say hi. Be bless. Later
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Anouther day anouther dream?

Posted 11-01-2009 at 03:21 AM by FrozenSilence
Tags dark , dream , dreams , life , sleep

have you ever thought of life as a dream? I have, basically from the time i started having dreams i could remember. I hate some of them, some I love. Others perhaps are forbidden. Then again, Life has all of those right? So how do you know life isn't a dream as well as a dream isn't your life. A dream without the worries pretty much a perfect world waiting for you to move in your thoughts. i wonder how much one can think about this before getting overworked passing out into the realm of dreams....
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