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My writing is a known cause of lunacy. Don't pass this warning off as such.

Written In Less Than 2 Min (excuse the mistakes and randomness of it)

Posted 08-04-2010 at 07:45 AM by Good Super Villain (The Psychobabble of the Good Super Villain)

So there i was, wearing a pair of her fathers pants and standing on the side of the street, wondering if i would ever get to see her beautiful eyes again. Then i heard the sound of the ticking watch and at that precise moment knew all would be okay.

I opened my eyes to see all of my friends still under the hypnosis and i went to wake them. Well, first i have to admit i did sneak a peek at Amy. She was just far too beautiful to resist. I know that this makes you think i am a perverted...
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Message To Anyone Crazy Enough To Read My Words

Posted 07-07-2010 at 09:11 AM by Good Super Villain (The Psychobabble of the Good Super Villain)

I apologize and offer you a million sorry’s. My gender has been changing from men to horny monkeys seeking instant gratification. They have forgotten what a woman is and lust after a plastic replica, causing many women to attempt to fit into this mould. You are not as society is forcing you to be. This is why you feel the strains and pressure more and more. This is tragic because women are the flowers of Humankind. You should not have to constantly get trampled by unthinking...
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Snapshot of pain (Psychobabble requested and I delivered)

Posted 07-06-2010 at 12:45 PM by Good Super Villain (The Psychobabble of the Good Super Villain)

Snapshot of Pain
As I walked into my father’s room it smelled like him. He had been dead now for nearly a week, but in here it seemed like he was still alive. I sat on his bed and looked through a box of old pictures that he had saved. It was hard to believe that someone who had lived such a wicked life would only have a handful of pictures to be remembered by. As I flipped through the pictures of half naked sluts I spotted a picture of me. I was only about eight and it was a very horrible...
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Cynical Ballads Poetry Insert No 15 -My Heart-

Posted 02-11-2010 at 07:46 AM by Good Super Villain (The Psychobabble of the Good Super Villain)

It thumps,
Or tries to.
It pumps
Without you.

Its tired
And sad,
And bad.

It misses,
And is incomplete.
Since your leaving.
It now has only
Single beats.

I keep some hope
When the beats do end.
You will be waiting for me,
My sweet friend.
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I Ran Like Hell (Revealing , Reality)

Posted 02-09-2010 at 01:22 PM by Good Super Villain (The Psychobabble of the Good Super Villain)

In my early twenties I worked in a store. This store had a regular demo girl, as we called her, that would feature products. She was about ten years older than my but I found her to be so beautiful. She would flirt and joke around with me and we became good friends. As I got to know her better she would complain a lot about her husband. He sounded like a real asshole and I dreamed to be in his place instead of him. He would yell at her and intimidate her. Acting like he was a big tough guy he would...
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