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Posted 05-06-2009 at 12:22 PM by Duane

Don't get me wrong, some customers are really great, have awesome stories to tell, very interesting. However, once in a while, I get the ones who are just terrible about everything. "Oh, Customers first, treat me better than that, what that too expensive let's negotiate! Damn fucker ripping off the customers." We aren't as rich as you would so foolishly believe, and we aren't trying to rip you off. I have no control over the prices of cigarettes, I'm not holding a gun to your head telling you to buy those "over priced" 12 packs of Corona. We would love to be able to take your little WIC checks, food stamp cards, but we can't... in fact we'd be ecstatic to take them, it'd do our store loads of good, but we can't. Oh, and once in a while this on bitch walks in with this terrible attitude, that would be bearable if she paid her debt to the store, but NO! The only people who understand are other shop owners, or people who were in the business themselves. Those customers are cool, why can't they all be cool? I'm not foolish enough to think that mine pressing buttons, taking cash, co-managing a store really does any good in the grand scheme of life, but some of the customers seem to think they do... blah.
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