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I've got to be honest

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Posted 03-21-2009 at 11:27 AM by Duane

When I joined the forum, I didn't see any Mod activity whatsoever, well from what I remember. I felt a little uneasy at first, until I learned that other than a major troll or so every once in a great while, nothing too bad happened here.

I feel it's a great forum, one of those that could be great with or without mods watching over everyone. Well, I kept wanting them to return, I thought it'd make this place even better, despite what I read about them.

Then, Gnet showed up posted a couple of threads, like that one reminding everyone about the ignore function, and the one about the Alexa tool bar, or something. I thought it was awesome, it'd be better if that mod came around alot better.

I was wrong to have wanted them to come back, I mean I expected a lot more better from a mod of this forum. Banning Tekajo for displaying "negative attitude" towards that one chick? That whole fiasco with Mond in... it's... I... you should have kept it in pm, but blah.
Come on, you're making this forum, just... terrible. Unban Tek and Albert.
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  1. Old Comment's Avatar
    I think I was fairly interactive in threads like the pinned features you would want. We used to moderate the forum more aggressivly and people started to complain a lot. Every act of moderation came with a ten page thread complaining about it even if it was totally obvious that it needed to be done. So, we backed off on heavy moderation. We still put in a lot of work to remove bots and such, but as the scripts for that got better, this was quite a challenge. Some got by us, but honestly you have no idea how many we busted. You guys are not even being moderated that hard right now. People are still being more rude to each other than most boards would put up with.
    Posted 03-21-2009 at 11:52 AM by is offline

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