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Alright, I confess

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Posted 08-24-2020 at 02:53 AM by TrivialMorose
Updated 08-24-2020 at 03:12 AM by TrivialMorose

I'm still not completely, 100% free of Reddit. I mean, I mostly am, I hardly ever message people in it anymore, and I don't even look at it that much, but still... It's an actually active place with people in there.

Shit, it's time to dig out the penance whip again, isn't it?

Anyway, I didn't participate in any shenanigans this time, I was just a bald headed observer, nothing more, I promise and swear. But this is what I witnessed going on in the whirling cesspool of the internet. You can read it while I whip myself raw.

Cool Person #X (Who has moderator rights but you don't know it):
Goth is a clearly defined genre which Lil Peep doesn't make.
Cool Person #Z:
It's really not clear though. It's an entire subculture which is broadly defined. Are you goth if you listen to the music, but don't partake in at least some of the dressing fashion? Even if you just listen to Joy Division or The Cure?

Are you goth if you don't like the music but love the fashion?

Are you "allowed" to be goth if you dress up but don't listen, or listen but don't dress? How about if you read some gothic fiction and are a big fan, but don't listen to the music or dress code? Are they allowed to use the title?

The gatekeeping irrtates me greatly. In the punk community, the entire point of it is anti-authority, individual freedom, doing what you like, free from the contraints of any societal pressures. Gatekeepers exist, but are laughed at, as they should be. It is an inclusive community, not one that exists to ostracise people for not being a good enough "fan", like the cliche "wow u like fall out boy? name 5 of their albums" kind of person. It's dull and degrading to the soul. Find some compassion, please.
Cool Person #X (Who has moderator rights but you don't know it):
You are goth if you like the music, doesn't matter how you dress.
Cool Person #Z:
It's not a subculture if it's entirely defined by the music. It's a musical genre.
Punk, as a point of comparison, is not just a musical genre, punk is a broad groupd of beliefs, music, fashion, attitudes, art, books, movies. That's a subculture, and to me, goth is equally a subculture.
Then Cool Person #X with their unknown moderator superpower deleted the above comment and had this insightful last word for themselves:
Goth is a music based subculture, that focuses on the music that comes from post-punk.
Compassion: 0
Cool Person #X: 666

We have a clear winner!

Who needs compassion when you know your facts, right? Fuck that old bitch compassion.


On lighter note, I also saw these cute foxes:

Wonky with the image size. Sorry about that, too. I don't feel like doing anything about it.
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