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Posted 02-05-2021 at 02:01 PM by TrivialMorose

Yesterday I started reading this book, What a Coincidence! by Susan M. Watkins. I'm not very deep into it yet, so I can't say much about it, but the book is about synchronic coinkidinkies, and there was already some stuff in it about coinkidinky chains and their sequels.

I hadn’t ever thought about them having sequels. Never occurred to me. I was mildly fascinated by the concept.

Then today I read in the TV-guide that the excellent movie Killing of a Sacred Deer would be on tonight. I thought nothing strange about this, of course. Why would I? It’s just a movie on television. Perfectly normal, no connection to anything.

I told my wife about it, saying she should watch it, because it’s one of my favorites and she hasn’t seen it, yet.

My wife then asked me:
“Why is it on television?”
I answered her:
“I have no idea, I’m not the program director on that channel.”

Then a little later, an hour or so, in a flash of recollection it came back to me, my earlier blog post here, Synchronicity of the Sacred Deer, and I was, like,
something is showing me a coinkidinky chain sequel! Right there, right now!

Really riveting stuff.


What does it all mean?
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