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The farthest and possibly last flight from the nest

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Posted 07-22-2011 at 07:36 PM by HumanePain

Tuesday evening my whole nuclear family and grandson enjoyed a casual dinner at Chili's and then watched cartoons in my recliner with my grandson by my side, laughing, tickling and eating almond cookies. I retired to bed contentedly.

Then, early Wednesday morning my daughter and grandson left for Texas. They arrived last night at their new home, with my grandson's father and daughter's boyfriend of 7 years. My grandson's paternal grandfather lives nearby.

My grandson's father moved out there for a job 6 months ago and the gamble paid off handsomely. He now has a place and a car and paid for my daughter and grandson to move to their new home. He makes double what he made in California, and even working 7 days a week can't keep up with the backlog of solar panel installations.

He even invited Mrs. Humane to come out and see the new place. I am happy my daughter is trying again to have her own family and life independnt of grandpa and grandma.

But the same worries about the safety of my grandson plague my days and nights as she still drinks to excess at times as does his father.

But now they have moved out so many times before, I am a little more comfortable with their future, the crystal ball doesn't appear so dark as before but shows them settling down into domestic life.

But it sure is quiet around here without them.
Mrs. Humane and I had a good cry over their departure, and then knowing later they safely arrived grandma and grandpa went out for dinner.

Now if I can just get my adult son to move out!
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