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Not just Frills and petticoats...

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Posted 07-31-2009 at 02:16 PM by khajiitchick

okay, so yes on the petticoats, i love them, sorry...

See? this even has torn clothing. i would so wear those arm thingies (i wonder if i can make them?)
i made a skirt like this
of course, a little longer because i am embarrassed of my legs... and it faded so the red is much duller now, still pretty...

and there are a ton of crossovers between the traditional and the ****** style.
and i don't wear uber romantic stuff, i would stain it anyway. plus i can't sew all those ruffles, it would take me years! i would be eighty before i could wear it!

though i will admit, i'm not so keen on wearing pants... i don't like them and really only wear like, tripps or something when i do wear them. and skinny jeans, i would die trying to stuff myself!

anyway, just wanted to say all of that...
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