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Honeythorn on Weight Loss
Posted 11-27-2009 at 06:24 PM by Tam Li Hua
[QUOTE=honeythorn;584703]I seriously doubt you [I]need[/I] a gastric band at your age. Saying that something like food addiction runs in the family is just bullshit. Things like [I]body frame[/I] run in the family, not addictions. Things like that are either learned or developed over time. [I]You are not born with them[/I].
There are plenty of things you can do to start losing weight, one of which is [B]really[/B] reducing portion sizes and not cooking/frying things in fat [I]or allowing anyone else to do so for you[/I]. If you normally have 1 big platefull of food, next time hve 3/4 of a platefull, do that for a few days to get used to it then go for half a platefull ect .
If you find yourself wanting to go back for seconds, [B][I]force[/B] yourself to go and do something else[/I]. [B]Anything else[/B], and preferably something physical rather than just sitting and reading ect.
Tidy your room, go for a walk - no don't try and run and end up killing yourself, just walk as best you can for 15 misn or so . Think about[I] anything[/I] other than food.
Next time you look at a chocolate bar or cake or big plate of something you would normally have that you know damn well is bad for you, imagine it's covered in puke, or shit, or mould. I'm serious, [B]make[/B] yourself see it, imagine how it reeks. Put yourself off it.
If you have sugar in tea/coffee, cut back to 1 , then half, then none.
Sugar is one of the worst things to have. Bananas are included in that by the way so fuck them right off. After your body has stored sugars for using when you exrecise or jut move about, [B]the rest of it gets stored in fat cells.[/B]
Don't eat bread after 1 pm, and make it no more than a couple of slices of wholemeal toast in the morning if you do have it at all.
Don't put cream based sauces on things like pasta or chicken.
Don't eat after around 7 PM. Your body is starting to wind down at that point, and digestion and fat burning is not top of the activity list.
I've been doing these things and I've lost around 35 lbs so far. It's taken months and I've done a lot of exercise including running, and for the last 5 months, aerobics once a week but I'm doing fine with it . I am also going to be joining the gym in the next couple of weeks as I can throw in a couple of gym sessions and go swimming whenever I like ( all included in the price as well as all classes)
If I can do that and still afford presents ( albeit smaller ones ) then there's no reason you can't.
Why not buy a basic low impact exercise DVD to do at home to begin with? I say low impact because , no offence but at your size the last thing you want to do is fuck up your already strained joints by jumping about and crashing down on them when you land.
Seriously, you should not require a gastric band at your age. It's fucking tragic. If you are capable of walking then you are perfectly capable of getting yourself moving and losing some weight.[/QUOTE]
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There are plenty of things you can do to start losing weight, one of which is [B]really[/B] reducing portion sizes and not cooking/frying things in fat [I]or allowing anyone else to do so for you[/I]. If you normally have 1 big platefull of food, next time hve 3/4 of a platefull, do that for a few days to get used to it then go for half a platefull ect .
If you find yourself wanting to go back for seconds, [B][I]force[/B] yourself to go and do something else[/I]. [B]Anything else[/B], and preferably something physical rather than just sitting and reading ect.
Tidy your room, go for a walk - no don't try and run and end up killing yourself, just walk as best you can for 15 misn or so . Think about[I] anything[/I] other than food.
Next time you look at a chocolate bar or cake or big plate of something you would normally have that you know damn well is bad for you, imagine it's covered in puke, or shit, or mould. I'm serious, [B]make[/B] yourself see it, imagine how it reeks. Put yourself off it.
If you have sugar in tea/coffee, cut back to 1 , then half, then none.
Sugar is one of the worst things to have. Bananas are included in that by the way so fuck them right off. After your body has stored sugars for using when you exrecise or jut move about, [B]the rest of it gets stored in fat cells.[/B]
Don't eat bread after 1 pm, and make it no more than a couple of slices of wholemeal toast in the morning if you do have it at all.
Don't put cream based sauces on things like pasta or chicken.
Don't eat after around 7 PM. Your body is starting to wind down at that point, and digestion and fat burning is not top of the activity list.
I've been doing these things and I've lost around 35 lbs so far. It's taken months and I've done a lot of exercise including running, and for the last 5 months, aerobics once a week but I'm doing fine with it . I am also going to be joining the gym in the next couple of weeks as I can throw in a couple of gym sessions and go swimming whenever I like ( all included in the price as well as all classes)
If I can do that and still afford presents ( albeit smaller ones ) then there's no reason you can't.
Why not buy a basic low impact exercise DVD to do at home to begin with? I say low impact because , no offence but at your size the last thing you want to do is fuck up your already strained joints by jumping about and crashing down on them when you land.
Seriously, you should not require a gastric band at your age. It's fucking tragic. If you are capable of walking then you are perfectly capable of getting yourself moving and losing some weight.[/QUOTE]
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