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out of curiosity

Posted 12-09-2009 at 07:14 PM by Fyrliin

After having a converstation with a good freind after he found his old gas mask his father had given him a long time ago and washing it after It had been stored ill-properly for many years.
The question we all have here is,
"How does everyone deal with their fetish gear when its not in use?"

Do most people hide it like you would your porn?

How do you deal with it?
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Whats your Favorite Flavor?

Posted 12-03-2009 at 11:48 AM by Fyrliin

So many wonderful Flavors To taste in this world...mine are Chocolate and Carmel...

What tis your Favorite Flavor Be?
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I'm So Goth...

Posted 11-06-2009 at 02:52 PM by Fyrliin

I found some of these online, and I added in a couple to hide the really stupid ones...


1. I'm so goth, I got a tattoo of celtic knotwork starting at the top of my head, winding all the way down my body, and trailing five feet behind me on the floor.

2. I'm so goth I AM a tattoo.

3. I'm so goth my name is "Tattoo" and I was on Fantasy Island.

4. I'm so goth, in preschool, the only crayon I...
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How do you Shut up Your Neighbors Pit Bull?

Posted 11-04-2009 at 09:20 AM by Fyrliin

Going on Month Three, and That damn Wanna be Squeaky Toy will not shut up...and its owner wont make it...I called the police, and they said, unless its after 10 p.m. they cant do anything... I even got a Dog whistle, all that thing did is charge at the fence and bark more.... and I don't have any duct tape I need other ideas.
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I think its time for a Makeover

Posted 11-02-2009 at 11:56 AM by Fyrliin

Yet I don't have any ideas.... Care to Help?
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