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all in one pt1.

Posted 09-09-2011 at 07:56 AM by Kolton Belt

in design there is many worlds, sometimes these wolrds mix together and that is were real creativity comes from. These beings walk in our world and they don't know that we are here because we don't see them, but when we collide that is when we are hit with these beautiful ideas that sometimes helps to be better people.
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learning about myself

Posted 09-08-2011 at 01:37 PM by Kolton Belt

I spend days with people who compel me to who I am and all the while I fell in love with the music and history that I decided that it is not so bad to be me. The bigger part of it all is learning that this is who you are and you will have to learn that no one is normal. That many people are grown up to be judgmental to other people and their beliefs. When you learn to be yourself then you learn that you are better than all those who spend their lives bringing misery to others.
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