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I am failure

Posted 07-27-2010 at 09:56 PM by Malicious Insanity

I am the complete epitome of fear and failure. Useless and destructive to all peoples and every living thing. I wish to drag all of humanity with a meat hook ensnaring you by your collective jaw. I will drag you to the deepest pit of vile and carnage. I wish to submerge you in the black soup of death and decay. Delicious soup it shall be. I hunger.
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The Insanity Returns!

Posted 07-26-2010 at 12:32 PM by Malicious Insanity

Oh! Oh, how long it has been! For three long months I have been chained and bound within my own mind. I have clawed myself out of my mental prison and now here I am; barely alive and barely human, but I am here. I still feel the chains grazing against my ankles, threatening to drag me back into nothing. I hope for the sake of my adored one that I am not taken again. In my numbness he felt pain, but he still held me. In my delirious, malicious, and rambunctious insanity he still held me. When my...
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Calm night.

Posted 04-27-2010 at 10:14 PM by Malicious Insanity

Today has been the first day I have felt sane in a long time. I finally got a visit from Mary. Her calming thick breath was all I needed. My mental monsters have quieted and the pain has vanished. I hope Mary visits again soon.

On another note; I have decided to not kill myself. It turns out that there is someone that genuinely cares for my well being and I do not wish them any form of harm. Even if it means I must put up with myself for a little while longer, then so be it. I am
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Sweet silence, please come upon me.

Posted 04-26-2010 at 11:57 AM by Malicious Insanity

I am exhausted. I am physically, mentally, and emotionally weak. This madness is draining. I wish I could sleep myself to oblivion. How many pills will it take? I don’t want help and I don’t want your annoying face spewing “advise” at me. Please; take your “helping hand” someplace else. I just want it all to end. Well most parts of me want it to end, but another sick portion of me enjoys this torment and wishes it to continue. I wonder how much more I can take before I eventually go completely numb....
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My mutilated heart bleeds on...

Posted 04-25-2010 at 03:41 PM by Malicious Insanity

What caused these gory repulsive images in my mind? If only I could trap them on paper or expel them some other way. Demonic forms flood my mental view; making it very difficult to function (normally). I can almost smell the blood and taste the carnage. I feel myself going mad! The flesh of my mind is being ripped and torn from its place. My sanity has been *****! It has been oh, so violently taken from me. My mental stability is hardly existent. It is so hard to fight the temptation to rip my own...
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